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Annie and Aaron-Sneak peek




Alesia and Tom

I started off the wedding weekend photographing Alesia and Tom's rehearsal and the groom's dinner at Toast Wine Bar.

The Big Day!
Alesia was a gorgeous bride!

I love this shot of her Grandfather.

Their wedding had lots of fun on the dance floor!

Tom and Alesia are a beautiful couple and were so relaxed and easy to work with. I had a ball with them both and the wedding party! Thank you for making me a part of your day. I wish you both many years of happiness!



Warning, cute baby alert

I got to shoot this little guy because his very thoughtful aunt purchased a family session at a silent auction for the Eclectic Edge Ensemble, which I had donated on behalf of my friend Becky a few months back.  Just a simple preface: no, he's not my kid!  There was some confusion about my children status just around this time last year, especially when it comes to the toe-headed blue-eyed sort. 

For now Mom, Dad, John, Susan, you can just use your imagination :)







what are the chances he'll grow up to like boats?





Amanda and Cory: Engaged!

I seem to be out of luck when it comes to rain and outdoor engagements sessions.  Originally we had planned to go to the rose gardens near Lake Harriet, but we got rained out.  Our second stop was schedule to be at the Bryant Lake Bowl, so we just hammed it up there!




I was warned before hand that lots of tongues would be sticking out... but this is the only tongue out shot (and a good one at that!)








Congrats guys! We can't wait for your wedding next month!



Laura and Kevin: Engaged! (and playing serious catch up)

I originally posted a sneek preview to Laura and Kevin's engagements way back in June, but we had to reschedule part of the shoot due to a crazy storm. We finally scheduled a secondary shoot, and here are the results of both.  The two own an amazing condo right on the river, in one of my favorite parts of the city, so what better place to shoot than their own terrace and city-wide back yard?  We even got to hang out with Buster for a while!














