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Dom and Addi: Married!

I was really excited to shoot this wedding after I met Addi this past spring. She's friends with a ton of people I know, AND was planning a really fun offbeat wedding. She was the calmest bride I've ever seen... and of course, she had cool shoes :)


Its good to have friends that are hairdressers


Can anyone guess what state Addi was raised in?


I'll give you a hint, I'm from the same state!



Interruptions aren't always a bad thing








Seeing Dom as she walks down the Aisle


I love how tight he's holding her

First dance, immediately following the ceremony

Dinner was delicious


And fun, of course


Bridesmaids with percussion instruments make every wedding better


This one danced EVERYONE under the table






Cassie and Tyler II

Seeing her kids for the first time all dressed up!

Cassie and Tyler were the first to officially book us last year. We had a great time shooting their day!



Cassie and Tyler 08-09-08

Cassie and Tyler were married on 08/09/08 date at the Earle Brown Heritage Center. They had a perfect day, lots of bright colors to play with and two adorable toe-head kids!




Feeling a little emotion as the dress is put on

Father and Son

Helping to make his Bride look perfect

It worked! Perfection!


This little girl was running the show

Son giving dad a pre-ceremony pep talk


If shoes are my first love, doors a close runner up

I love lace up backs


A little light play



Gammy and Gummy

So, we haven't quite figured out what to call the Sommers' grandparents yet, but the current winners are Gammy Sams and Gummy Joe.  It makes no sense, aside from the fact that this family loves crazy nicknames  so there is no real explanation behind these.  Being so crazy with weddings, engagements, etc this summer I haven't had a chance to post these yet, but this was just a few days after Lucy was born.  I'll be at Lucy's Aunt Katy's wedding this weekend, so I'm sure I'll have some more pictures of her coming soon :)

Gummy Joe

Gammy Sams

She has just as much character as the rest of her family members

Ah, this picture just breaks my heart!



Kara and Jim, Take Two

Hello blog land,

I've been a bad blogger and I know it. This summer has been so crazy, and now its almost OVER! I promise everyone I'll get your pictures up on the blog soon! Anyway, back to Kara and Jim. These two are an amazing couple and had a great wedding that truly celebrated their love for each other. When I heard they were having their reception at the Happy Gnome and had booked the Roe Family Singers as their band, I was ecstatic! Congrats Kara and Jim, may every day be as happy as this one!








This one just makes me think of Whistler's Mother







