Good news on the technology front... Red Apple Images FINALLY has a real, honest to goodness email address. I love gmail, but it's time to enter the professional realm of things.
Good news on the technology front... Red Apple Images FINALLY has a real, honest to goodness email address. I love gmail, but it's time to enter the professional realm of things.
One of my goals for Red Apple this winter is to publish a real, honest to goodness webpage. I have my domain, and I've started a very basic design. In hopes of keeping our costs down, I'm designing and publishing the page myself, with the help of a co-worker Aaron. Here's what it looks like so far... but has MUCH tweaking to do, and will eventually be published at redappleimages.com. What do you think so far?
Annie and Aaron. So much love for these two. Weddings like these are why I love taking pictures. This event was filled with joy and happiness, music and laughter, and a beautiful couple so much in love. I absolutely loved shooting this wedding and wish Annie and Aaron nothing but the best! Thank you both!