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Warning, cute baby alert

I got to shoot this little guy because his very thoughtful aunt purchased a family session at a silent auction for the Eclectic Edge Ensemble, which I had donated on behalf of my friend Becky a few months back.  Just a simple preface: no, he's not my kid!  There was some confusion about my children status just around this time last year, especially when it comes to the toe-headed blue-eyed sort. 

For now Mom, Dad, John, Susan, you can just use your imagination :)







what are the chances he'll grow up to like boats?




Reader Comments (2)

I love the 3rd one down where he looks like he's pondering the future. Adorable!

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin

So cute!

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSara

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