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Caitlin and Alex: Married

Caitlin and Alex are an incredibly laid back and lovely couple.
I was so fortunate to be part of their gorgeous wedding at The Semple Mansion.

CaitlinAlex (3)

CaitlinAlex (118)

CaitlinAlex (73)

CaitlinAlex (308)

CaitlinAlex (151)

CaitlinAlex (164)

CaitlinAlex (153)

CaitlinAlex (246)

CaitlinAlex (291)
CaitlinAlex (326)
CaitlinAlex (324)
CaitlinAlex (378)

CaitlinAlex (408)

Congratulations to you both!


Sneak Peek: Caitlin and Alex

I hope to have Caitlin and Alex's images up next week, but for now a shot inspired by the delicious Max Wanger



Astrid and Dan: Married!

Astrid and Dan have to be one of sweetest and smartest couples in the Twin Cities area. It's not common that I am contacted almost solely by the groom, but Dan was at the helm of finding and contacting the wedding photographer (way to go Dan!)

I had never been to the Gibbs Museum before, but what an amazing place! It's a little slice of the country right in the middle of St Paul . The very close to my heart (and stomach) Chowgirls catered, there was a barn dance and the wildflowers were all in bloom. Oh, did I mention Astrid wore a BLUE dress? Just thinking about it makes me melt into a little puddle of happiness!

Astrid and Dan
I believe they had their rings made by Simply Wood Rings Absolutely gorgeous they were made with salvaged silver and had a rosewood inlay.

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan
What wedding is complete without a goat to keep things in line ?

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan
(Best Wedding Gift Wrap Job Ever)

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan

Astrid and Dan


Adelaide: 6 Months!

I was so excited when Rebekah and Rett asked me to come take pictures of Adelaide again.

It's still amazing to me that something this small:


Turns in to something this big:



The handsome family












Sneak Peek: Astrid and Dan


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