Sneak Peek: Caitlin and Alex
I hope to have Caitlin and Alex's images up next week, but for now a shot inspired by the delicious Max Wanger

Astrid and Dan: Married!
Astrid and Dan have to be one of sweetest and smartest couples in the Twin Cities area. It's not common that I am contacted almost solely by the groom, but Dan was at the helm of finding and contacting the wedding photographer (way to go Dan!)
I had never been to the Gibbs Museum before, but what an amazing place! It's a little slice of the country right in the middle of St Paul . The very close to my heart (and stomach) Chowgirls catered, there was a barn dance and the wildflowers were all in bloom. Oh, did I mention Astrid wore a BLUE dress? Just thinking about it makes me melt into a little puddle of happiness!
I believe they had their rings made by Simply Wood Rings Absolutely gorgeous they were made with salvaged silver and had a rosewood inlay.
What wedding is complete without a goat to keep things in line ?