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Introducing Liliana

I feel so fortunate to have Kenzie as one of my clients.  She had an awesome wedding planning website called engageology that led to at least a handful of clients, and now that she is launching her own day of planning service, Graceful Day Design we're in contact pretty frequently. If you're planning a wedding give her a call, or at least check her blog out for unique inspiration!  Another reason for our frequent contact is her ADORABLE daughter Liliana.  I hung out with Liliana with Kenzie and Rodney at their house in Edina to shoot Lily's two month portraits, and we had a ball! 


Liliana didn't grace us with MANY smiles, but has the most squeezeable cheeks it doesn't even matter. 



I call this next series, The Running Man:



Kenzie, It was so great finally getting to meet you, Rodney and Liliana! 


Jayme and Alex: Married!

Jayme found me on Off Beat Bride (one of my all time favorite resources for wedding planning) and I am SO happy she did.  Definitely falling into the "offbeat" category Jayme and Alex are gamers, the two really wanted to make their wedding a perfect balance between classic and unique and they totally pulled it off!  Jayme is a video game designer by trade and graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, so she really incorporated both her passion for design and nerdiness (which I say with the highest respect) into their special day.  From vintage glassware as wedding favors and lego centerpieces to the adorable monster cake topper that Jayme designed herself, every aspect of the details was so Jayme and Alex.  Congratulations to both of you!







Introducing Richmond Julian

My dear college friends Fred and Jess had their little peanut Richie a little earlier than anyone anticipated. We all met at a year-long leadership program at the University of Minnesota and it's been great being a part of Fred and Jess' relationship from start to present. Richie came home just shy of one month after his very early birthday, and was really exciting about taking his picture taken; he was awake almost the entire time I was there. Richie just turned two months old and is plumping up nicely. Congrats to Fred and Jess and their expanding New Student Weekend family!







Kara and Jim: Pregnant!

I had the wonderful pleasure of working with Kara and Jim for the second time last month, prior to our initial meeting at their wedding.

These two are so sweet and in love with each other and I just know they are going to be fabulous parents to their new little one Phoebe. I can't wait to meet her!







Kate and Doug Get Married!

I had such a great time at this wedding. Kate and Doug are a hilarious and amazing couple. Doug definitely kept me on my toes and Kate was calm and collected the whole night. Everyone had an absolute blast. And what kind of party is it if there isn't karaoke?

Kate and Doug
Kate looked so gorgeous with her vintage hair and makeup look
Kate and Doug
Kate and Doug
Kate and Doug
Kate and Doug
Kate and Doug
And some amazing outtakes:
Kate and Doug

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