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Entries in Minneapolis Family Photographer (4)


We interrupt this program...

A good friend and photographer colleague of mine does a great thing every year with her business.  She gives back. Obviously this is something I think we'd all like to do in one fashion or another throughout the year.  Yes, I give heaps of clothing and underutilized household goods to The Epilepsy Foundation every few months, but this works more as a convenience for me that just so happens to help others.  Nicki does a great job of putting a concerted effort putting a portion of her company's proceeds towards those who need it.  In the past I've given to various charities, usually as a gift to others who appreciate a donation versus the traditional material gifts, but never have I made a continuous effort to do this on a schedule, or for myself.  

Deciding this was a good practice to get in the habit of, I racked my brain to figure out what would best co-align with my business and clients.  The Human Rights Campaign was the first idea I came up with, but I wanted to do something that would affect people more locally.  After a bit of digging I finally came to find Minnesotans United for All Families.  As 15% of my clients are same-sex couples, obviously the issue of gay marriage is near and dear to my heart.  

As you may or may not know, next November Minnesota voters will given the opportuniity to vote in favor of or against a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in the state.  Minnesotans United for All Families has formed a coalition of businesses to defeat this amendment next year.  Kate Sommers Photography is now a member of this coalition and financial contributor to this campaign which will help make the celebrations of love of so many of my clients legal in the eyes of the state.  To join the campaign, visit, and consider doing so by December 31st to help them meet their goal of $300,000 by years end.




Allison + Adam = Callum

I had the pleasure of first photographing Mr. Callum last summer when Allison found me through Chef Stewart Woodman's Blog.  It's still astounding to me how much these baby's change in a matter of 6 months.  We did this shoot back in March and Callum was a running MACHINE. Though it would be totally exhausting, he totally made me hope for a little boy when Kyle and I hit the parenting stage of our lives. 




The benefit of living in Minnesota is having a vast array of cute hats!

I love how happy they all are...

Are you KIDDING ME?  This kid is going to be trrrrouuuble one day in the not too distant future....

Clearly, I am HILARIOUS!


Thank you so much Allison and Adam for letting me spend the afternoon with your amazing little man and the two of you.  My heart MELTS when I look in those puddles he calls eyes...


Katie + Chris = Frankie

Some of you long time followers may remember Katie and Chris' amazing farm wedding from a few years back.  They are such a fantastic couple. I am so honored they asked me to do an at-home shoot with the two of them and their little peanut Frankie.  They have the CUTEST house in South Minneapolis and the details put into Frankie's nursery are absolutely adorable. 


I'm not opposed to photoshopping in some drum sticks into this one...


I just love this one so much. 

So in loveeeee

Before Frankie came out, Katie and Chris referred to him as Mr. Miyagi :)

Thank you two SO much for contacting me to do these pictures with your adorable family! I can't wait to watch Mr. Frankie grow into a rumblin' tumblin' little boy!



Hello Handsome!

This is the first of FOUR little boy sessions I took in a matter of 3 weeks!  Apparently 2010/2011 is the year of the boy.  First up, handsome Graham.  Megan, Ryan and Graham and I will be seeing a lot of eachother over the next two years as they invested in a "grow with me" package*.  I can't wait!



Ryan and his sleeping boy.  Sooooo sweet. 


Gooood morning!

You can just tell this kid is going to grow up to be a stinker.

I love this one.  love it love it love it. 


Such a handsome family!  Graham was obviously VERY excited to have his picture taken. 


These two are my favorite.  Megan looks so gorgeous and the love is just spilling out of her.


Next time we see Graham, he'll be six months old!  Only a few months away and it will be a world of difference.  I can't wait!


*Contact me for details about your own "Grow with Me family sessions