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Nathan = Laura+Kevin

This was my second round of pictures with Laura, Kevin and Nathan.  My has he changed since his 4 week old shoot.  He's a major mover and SUCH a good looking kid.  Not that with his incredibly good looking parents anyone is much surprised by that...

I'm guessing you can tell by the outfits, I'm a bit late to posting this entry ;)



Oh, Hey guys!

Based on the amount this kid was crawling around, I assume he's quite the runner by now.  Good luck with that Laura and Kevin :)

I LOVE his FACE in this one.  He's such a little trouble maker!

After a few 100 degree days in Minneapolis, this bleak skyline and brown grass should make us all thankful it's finally SUMMER!


Annnd I of course had to save my very favorite for last :)


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